Tiny Giants 3D (2014)

From the ancient forests of North America to the legendary Sonoran desert, a diverse world of wild, mysterious and remarkable animals exists. Magnificent, but still unaware that beneath their hooves and paws, lies a microcosmos of elusive and extraordinary tiny little creatures. This is the story of an adventurous young chipmunk and a caring grasshopper mother mouse, two minuscule beings dwelling in a world of giants. The battle for survival in such an unforgiving environment, takes on a completely new meaning, especially when you are a few inches tall... a true tiny giant!

Short Story: Tiny Giants 3D (2014) "A short about what happens under and around us. A chipmunk and a small mouse go on an adventure; they grow and learn about life and its obstacles."

Director: Mark Brownlow
Writers: Michael Gunton, Mark Brownlow
Star: Stephen Fry

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