Worlds Apart (2011)
Part science fiction, part thriller and part cautionary fairytale, Worlds Apart encompasses the universal themes of innocence, friendship and the possible fate of humanity. Set in the not so distant future, Earth is visited by extraterrestrials on a peaceful mission to find sentient life. Landing near a central California farm home, they discover a desolate, polluted world where little life remains. As they search the abandoned farm home, they find a lone teddy bear that emits signs of life. With the aid of their futuristic technology, they extract the memories of the teddy bear and thus unravel the mystery of humanity's demise. Worlds Apart ask the questions, Is there hope for what remains of humanity?

Completed in 2011, Worlds Apart tells the story of a young Central California family caught in an unimaginable situation. Told through the eyes of a child's teddy bear, Worlds Apart is a part cautionary fairytale and part science fiction thriller. The film has garnered fourteen Best Animation awards from festivals around the globe.

This version of Worlds Apart features an excellent film score by Chad Seiter. Having worked on films such as The Incredibles and Ratatouille, Chad was the perfect person to undertake the score and orchestration for Worlds Apart. For the final recording Chad assembled some of the most talented musicians in Hollywood, this included artists from the LA Philharmonic.

Director: Michael Zachary Huber
Screenplay: Michael Zachary Huber
Producer: Michael Zachary Huber
Cinematography: Michael Zachary Huber
Music Director: Jeremiah Dias, Cameron McLaughlin

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