An animated Short film "PANACÉE" is a Graduation film, made at EMCA (2017).
Written, directed and animated by Jules BOULAIN-ADENIS (Naleb)
Original music composed by FLAGALOVA (Silvere MAINFROY) & Naleb
Sound Design/Mix Guillaume DAVID
Which planet is it? Is it some distant star? Is it one a bit closer to home and farther into the future? Panacée (French for panacea) wants you to puzzle that out for yourself.
The short film was written, directed, and animated by Jules Boulain-Adenis (aka Naleb), and it shares a glimpse into a world of scientific sorcery and flying whales. Fair warning: the small amount of dialogue is in French without subtitles, but the artwork and simple story of life, death, and rebirth speak for themselves. (Although if someone who speaks French wants to translate for us in the comments section…it would help us draw out the nuance here and would be appreciated. Merci in advance!)
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