Scrambled - an Animated Short Film. So, what is the story? "After Esra misses her train late one evening, a discarded, living Rubik's cube tries to get her attention in an attempt to get solved." The story is about such a girl, the girl's name is Esra, one evening late her train and Missed. After that she waiting for the next train, she is explained her time with the mobile game and some fantasy...

Short Film credit to:

Writer/Director: Bastiaan Schravendeel
Art Director: Sander Kamermans
Technical Director: Jean-Paul Tossings
Production: Polder Animation, Tunde Vollenbroek (Tunde Animation)
Animation: Veronyka Jelinek, Quentin Haberham, Bastiaan Schravendeel
Additional Artists: Bram Vermaas, Fokke Mars, Jan Postema
Composer: Daniel Polman
Sound Studio: Bob Kommer Studios
Sound, Foley & Mix: Jeroen Nadrop, Robin v. d. Heiden
Rail Platform Recording: Robert Jung
Supported by: Creative Industries Fund NL.

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